Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Date

We went to watch 'Hop' movie at the theaters. This was my date....
Don't worry guys as I have permission from daddy....

Seriously, we watched movie yesterday entitled HOP. It was a movie about Easter Bunny. I had fun at the movies.  My daddy is on one week vacation that is why we have time to go do things we don't necessary do during weekdays.  We have couple of places to see and I am very excited about it.


  1. This is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy

    Visiting from TBE

  2. good that your dad chaperons on your date :)

    visiting you from TBE :)

    Drop by my STREET. Please don't forget to follow me @ GFC & NetworkedBlogs. Thanks very much!

    Have a great week!

  3. I never heard of that movie,maybe I will wait for DVD release.

    Bloghopping thru The Bloggers Exchange

  4. ka cute ni andrea sa iyang photo, naa sd ko nakit an nga blog nga nag post ani lulu. mura ky melody ba to?
