Monday, June 13, 2011

Pizza... Please!

I saw a domino's menu hang on our door. I told mommy I want pizza for dinner. I was so excited that I asked my mom for a plate, knife and fork because I was so ready to eat. Mommy gave all my toy utensils to me including a plastic pizza and she said okay play pretend pizza. I insisted that I was so hungry and I want to eat pizza.

Mommy was not able to resist my request for pizza that is why she ordered Domino's Honolulu Pizza.  We waited for it to be delivered at our place and when the delivery came, I had to eat right away.
I used a plate, fork and knife for my pizza.  See that big slice?  I ate them all! It was so yummy.  The following morning, we still had left over and I requested to have another slice.