Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Blankie and More

I got a package from my sister. She sent me a couple of really nice things. Thanks Ate Mischa!

I got a shovel which I use to pretend that I am digging the sand in the beach.
I got a watering can which I use when I am taking a bath. I love it so much!
I got a Dora Easter Book.
I got a beach towel which I call Blankie.
I got working gloves too

The common denominator on all of these? They are all DORA!

A pose with my blankie!

Thank you for all you sent Ate Mischa.  I love them all.  I love you!


  1. hello, tita lulu. thank you very much for following my blog. you have a pretty daughter.

  2. just get all your stuff ready sweety kasi before we know it summer na heheh

  3. My daughter would be envious! she loves Dora too.
