Sunday, March 13, 2011

Yellow Flowers

I was at Nana and Papa's today for my weekly visit to them.  We played outside.  I rode my bicycle, blow bubbles and pick up flowers too.  I like looking for dandelions and blow them and I make a wish.

I decided to pick up this yellow flowers because I wanted to give this to my mommy.  I picked up 14 flowers and yes I count them.

Nana told me that I can bring the flowers home and put them on the vase.  When we got home, I asked mommy for a vase for the flowers.  Now, the flowers are in our living room in a small vase.

Isn't these beautiful?  Guess what?  They smell good too.


  1. Thats a very oretty flower, I think that is a dafodils

  2. ang sweet naman and it's pretty too :-)

  3. The flower is very lovely like you little angel. :-)
