Wednesday, December 29, 2010

3 Years Old Well Check-up

I had my well check up for 3 years old yesterday.  I was happy while waiting for my turn at the examining room.  My Nana and I was busy looking for airplanes in the sky.  I was also jumping and playing on the waiting room.

Honestly, I don't like doctors or nurses. I cried when I had to take off my vest and boots to take my weight and height. I now measure 37 inches and weight 32lbs.

While waiting for the doctor to check on me, we were reading books and telling stories. When the doctor came, I was upset and I cried. She checked my lungs, eyes, ears and everything else. She got my blood pressure too. She said it was high (obviously I was crying my heart out so my BP will be high).

I had two shots yesterday and after the shots I was ready to go. On the brighter side, I got to lollipops!

Thanks Nana for bringing me to my doctor.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww thats for your own good pretty girl, good thing your nana was with you.
