Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I am 3 years old

I turned 3 last week and I had a wonderful party. Because we live in an apartment with limited space, my party was held at my Tita Ging's house. Thank you Tita Ging.

My Nana and Papa was there to celebrate with us. They brought my birthday cake which was a Princess Dora cake.

I was so excited to blow my cake and couldn't wait to dip my fingers on its icing. Of course, I had my share of my cake afterall it was my birthday.

I had fun opening my gifts too. It was a great day. It was great to be 3 years old.


  1. Happy Birthday Princess Andrea. :cake:

  2. stoppin' by and sissy shydub put all your blog on my blog roll so i can follow you like a stalker.... hehehe :beauty: pls follow me here and here...
