Saturday, December 25, 2010

I am Excited

My mom and Dad tells me every day that Christmas is coming and Santa will come and will leave presents for me under Nana's tree. I am excited and I already learned to say "Merry Christmas".

Christmas came and I was very excited. We went to attend mass, a midnight mass as a start of our Christmas. It was a very long service. We came there very early to make sure that we can attend the service. We were the first there. Before the caroling started we had the time to check the big church and walked around.

***Photos were taken at the Church***

The mass ended past 2am and then we went to eat at Waffle house where I ate bacon and drink apple juice. It was a great day to start. Mom said after we sleep when we wake up, we are going to Nana's to open presents. I was super excited.

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